Tuesday, 23 August 2016

Tumoricidal Activation of Macrophages using Jatropha curcas Leaf Extract

Biological activities of the methanolic was under study. Leaf extracts that contains methanolic acid of Jatropha curcas showed the highest antioxidant activity. Other research in cytotoxicity assay results indicated the anticancer therapeutic property of the root extract against human colon adenocarcinoma (HT-29) cell line but its cytotoxic effect on human hepatocyte (Chang cell) was high.

Macrophages can be activated to become neoplasticidal by interaction with a substance filled immune modulators. Neoplasticidal macrophages can recognize and destroy neoplastic cells in vitro and in vivo. Although the exact mechanism by which macrophages discriminate between neoplastic and normal cells is unknown, it is independent of neoplastic cell characteristics such as immunogenicity, metastatic potential, and sensitivity to drugs. 

Tumoricidal Activation of Macrophages
Moreover, macrophage destruction of neoplastic cells apparently is not associated with the development of neoplastic cell resistance. Macrophages are found in association with neoplasm in a definable pattern, suggesting that the most direct way to achieve macrophage-mediated neoplasm regression is in situ macrophage activation.

Thiram is widely used as a dithiocarbamate pesticide and fungicide, but can also be used as a suppressor of inflammation; studies have shown that thiram can reduce the inflammation resulting from contact dermatitis. Explain when thiram interact with the agency and the intensity of the inflammation will decline.

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