Friday, 25 November 2016

Endoscopic Hip Surgery in the Treatment of External Snapping Hip for A 22 Years Old Women

The snapping hip is a painful and disabling condition, related to a conflict between the greater trochanter and the soft tissue surrounding it. It is characterized by an audible click and sometimes visible on the thigh lateral region during the movements.

Endoscopic Hip Surgery
The classical treatment is with opened surgery, but only few cases are reported. We present the case of a young 22 years old Caucasian female with external snapping hip and associated with tendinitis of the medium and maximus gluteus.

The diagnosis was done clinically and radiologically with a nuclear magnetic resonance. The treatment was performed by a hip endoscopy after failure of medical treatment and physiotherapy.

Monday, 7 November 2016

Short Commentary to the Prolotherapy as a Treatment Method of the Arthritis

The authors performed a short review of the method prolotherapy. This treatment method, known also as proliferation therapy, is an injection based /hypertonic dextrose/ treatment used for a various painful and chronic musculoskeletal pain conditions.

In the article the knee osteoarthritis, patellafemoral syndrome and osteoarthritis of carpometacarpal joints is mentioned. The others possible indications are tendinitis, low back pain. The principle of this method is application of the solution into the joint.

Most commonly hyperosmolar dextrose, glycerine, lidocaine phenol and sodium morrhuate.It is an interesting study and in my opinion it is suitable for publication, but there are some questions. What about the indications criteria for this method e.g. in knee osteoarthritis, which degree of arthrosis.

Saturday, 5 November 2016

Frailty Screening and Pre-habilitation in Older Spine Patients Reversing the Effects of Sedentary Life-styles to Improve Surgical Outcomes for Older Patients and Reduce Healthcare Costs

Over the last century daily life for Homo Sapiens has become considerably easier, particularly for those individuals living in western industrialized societies.

Older Spine Patients
A combination of technological advances, including factory automation, farm machinery, labor saving devices for the home, the automobile, telephones, television and computers has allowed us to become steadily more productive.

At the same time these innovations have made our species much more sedentary, obese and prone to a variety of chronic degenerative diseases which put a considerable financial burden on the health care system

Friday, 4 November 2016

Delayed Complex Reconstruction of Achilles Tendon After Car-Train Accident

What can be done to salvage a limb after severe injury to the posterior compartment of the patient’s lower leg? If there is neurovascular compromise to the limb, below the knee amputation is recommended as the best treatment option.

Achilles Tendon After Car-Train Accident
If there is viable circulation present in the posterior compartment a salvage procedure might be done especially if the patient refuses a below the knee amputation. In this case the surgeon repaired what he could after determining most of the Achilles tendon was damaged beyond repair but part of the gastro-soleus muscle belly was intact.

The patient states he had four operations with the last several procedures skin grafts to cover the remaining defects. Eventually his lower leg healed a year later. What remained of his leg was a toe walking patient who used a cane most of the time to walk and on occasion crutches.

Thursday, 3 November 2016

Percutaneous Distal Osteotomies of the Metatarsal Bones: Surgical Technique and Results

Hallux valgus is a common forefoot deformity; it occurs with a lateral deviation of the great toe and medial deviation of the first metatarsal, progressively leading to the subluxation of the first metatarsophalangeal joint.

hallux valgus impact factor, forefoot deformities impact factor, percutaneous osteotomies research journals
In advanced stage it is associate with the dorsal displacement of the second, third and forth toe that causes increased plantar pressure on the heads of the metatarsal bones; this leads to a chronic metatarsalgia and a typical plantar hyperkeratosis.

According to MJ Coughlin it is possible to classify the pathology into 3 grades of severity based on the value of the Hallux Valgus Angle (HAV normal < 20°), First Intermetatarsal Angle (IMA normal < 11°), Proximal Articular Set Angle (PASA normal < 6°), first metatarsophalangeal joint congruency and the position of sesamoids. 

Tuesday, 1 November 2016

Change in Serum Biomarkers in Patients with Osteoarthritis treated with Collagen Hydrolysate: Results of a Prospective Randomized Study

Collagen hydrolysate is a nutritional supplement that is used for the treatment of patients with osteoarthritis. Collagen hydrolysate – chemically speaking – is a mixture of proteins, namely collagen peptides that are manufactured on the basis of skin and bones from cattle, pigs or fish on an industrial scale. Prospective, randomized, placebo-controlled trials demonstrated that the oral ingestion of 10 grams of collagen hydrolysate per day for the duration of three months decreases pain and improves function of joints in patients diagnosed with osteoarthritis.

Patients with Osteoarthritis
As preclinical work had previously shown that collagen hydrolysate stimulates chondrocytes to synthesize extracellular cartilage matrix in a dose-dependent way, it appeared tempting to test whether collagen hydrolysate apart from improving signs and symptoms of osteoarthritis also exerts an impact on cartilage morphology, i.e. whether – despite being a nutritional supplement – collagen hydrolysate fulfils the properties of a disease-modifying drug, which is the capacity of changing both structure and symptoms.