Thursday, 3 November 2016

Percutaneous Distal Osteotomies of the Metatarsal Bones: Surgical Technique and Results

Hallux valgus is a common forefoot deformity; it occurs with a lateral deviation of the great toe and medial deviation of the first metatarsal, progressively leading to the subluxation of the first metatarsophalangeal joint.

hallux valgus impact factor, forefoot deformities impact factor, percutaneous osteotomies research journals
In advanced stage it is associate with the dorsal displacement of the second, third and forth toe that causes increased plantar pressure on the heads of the metatarsal bones; this leads to a chronic metatarsalgia and a typical plantar hyperkeratosis.

According to MJ Coughlin it is possible to classify the pathology into 3 grades of severity based on the value of the Hallux Valgus Angle (HAV normal < 20°), First Intermetatarsal Angle (IMA normal < 11°), Proximal Articular Set Angle (PASA normal < 6°), first metatarsophalangeal joint congruency and the position of sesamoids. 

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