Thursday, 29 June 2017

Spondylodiscitis in a Geriatric Male

The incidence of Pyogenic Spondylodiscitis (PS) seems to be increasing in the last years as a result of the higher life expectancy of older patients with chronic debilitating diseases; also a number of co-morbidities have been found to increase the risk of disease such as diabetes (11-31%), immunosuppression, intravenous drug use, alcoholism, chronic debility disease with decubitus ulcers, malignancy, alcohol use and renal failure. 

Spondylodiscitis in a Geriatric Male

Vertebral Fracture
The source of infection in the elderly has been related to the use of intravenous access devices and the asymptomatic urinary infections . A single organism is usually involved, although polymicrobial infections do occur in chronic and debility conditions. Staphylococcus aureus is the most common organism isolated implicated into 15- 84% of nontuberculosis cases of infection and frequently observed as complication of invasive spinal procedures (17-33%).  Read More>>>>

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