Monday, 24 October 2016

Delayed Complex Reconstruction of Achilles Tendon After Car-Train Accident: A Case Study

What can be done to salvage a limb after severe injury to the posterior compartment of the patient’s lower leg? If there is neurovascular compromise to the limb, below the knee amputation is recommended as the best treatment option. If there is viable circulation present in the posterior compartment a salvage procedure might be done especially if the patient refuses a below the knee amputation.

Car-Train Accident
In this case the surgeon repaired what he could after determining most of the Achilles tendon was damaged beyond repair but part of the gastro-soleus muscle belly was intact. The patient states he had four operations with the last several procedures skin grafts to cover the remaining defects. Eventually his lower leg healed a year later.

What remained of his leg was a toe walking patient who used a cane most of the time to walk and on occasion crutches. He was never able to play baseball, run and jump after the injury which he regretted. He eventually got married and had several children who are now adults and who also have children.

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